
Language Arts 1.0

After many false starts and dead ends, I finally found a concept that would truly drive me insane. I finetuned my Code2000 symbol GAN model on a set of generated images.

These images consisted of the 1,000 most commonly used four-letter words in English. With the newly trained model, I generated some new ones.

If you would like to purchase one of these word worms, you can find them in NFT form at the Language Arts Marketplace. I can’t imagine why you would, but there it is.

Warning: I don’t know what happens if you stare at these for too long! Use at your own risk.


Up next Signal GAN In 2021 I used the raw images from SIGNAL to train a generative adversarial network, or GAN, to generate in-between images of the pages. It was one Circles I made a dataset of circles. I could not get a GAN to train on them at the time, but I went to all the trouble to align them, so I decided I would
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